Greetings: «I needed to fail to… #beSuccessful


It is difficult starting new projects and change our whole life…but I did it five years ago!!!

My mother’s illness and death was the key to focus my career in a different direction, hence I started #FromScratch.  

I had a good life but I wanted to change some things which did not make me happy…

I undertook several projects, some of which did not turn out very well. Other, however, did! This made me realise that I needed to change my strategy…Because when things don’t run well in one way we should turn around and do it different.

It’s not a waste of time, believe me, it’s named: #keepLearning. Walking the path to the goal: #beSuccessful.

Now, I am glad to introduce you my background and professional career in a different way…Therefore…#GetToKnowMe…